How to convert character strings into numeric values?
How can sql server instances be hidden? : sql server security
What is order of B+tree?
Is Sql non procedural query language?
SQL stops working in every 15 days displaying message that database log file is full. Log file size is 3.95 GB. It is happening after shrinking the database also. What is solution to overcome this problem. Please help me as it's urgent.
can you any body tell me while running BCP Out in instance in sql server 2000 is getting error. Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.?
Is it possible to create trigger on views?
Which tcl commands are available on the sql server?
Tell me about the approaches which you used to counter the DI problems.
what's the maximum size of a row? : Sql server database administration
What is set nocount on and what is set nocount off?
1.what is the difference between view and cursor? 2.If we do any change in view will it affect the database,similarly when we do changes in cursor will it affect the databse?with certain example?Thanks
Explain the functionalities that views support?