Prop carrying load capacity
what is idealized curve for concrere and steel
How to calculate labor requirement or requirement of labor projction for a proposed multistoried building for which quantities of different items of work has been already calculated stage wise ?
what is velocity of approach?
dialation means
What is the calculation for finding cement and sand for 10' * 12' area ratio 1:6 thickness 12 mm
What is the use of mirror command?
colum 500*500 8mm cutting lenght
what is the density of fine sand grade-2
In 1:2:4 ratio how much kgs of cement,fine&coarse aggregates to be used 1cu.m
What is the wastage % of concrete in Conventional shuttering design & Mivan Shuttering for high rise building.
Stringer How many cm goes to landind
how to caliculate required amount of cement and sand required for 1cu.m.