What is Gsb tollens ?
Suggest how many column, beem, etc required for 30 mtrs x 21 mtrs width x 8mtrs height for industrial shed of ground floor. I want to know the quantity of tmt steel consumption and Concrete consumption for budgeting
0 Answers Vishal Pipeline And Engineering,
What is the mix propotion of M10,M15,M20,M25,M30,M40,M50.M60 cement content,aggrigate,sand and water ratio.
How can i find number of brichs required for given quantity of wall in m^3..
5 Answers vasanth construction,
brickwork labour rate per cum ?
Define different types of roof systems?
what is step foundation
number of standard bricks need 1 cubic meter
What is kn measurement?
is there any simple field method to ascertained the bearing capacity of soil (with least arrangement/ Wedge penetration etc...).
during earth quake base shear force=a/w*g Comment?
how many time use of plywood shuttering and IS code
appsc AEE'S interview questions wanted