Suggest how many column, beem, etc required for 30 mtrs x 21 mtrs width x 8mtrs height for industrial shed of ground floor. I want to know the quantity of tmt steel consumption and Concrete consumption for budgeting
1419Post New Vishal Pipeline And Engineering Interview Questions
What does question mark mean in c#?
What is v-strings?
Does sap use sql?
What are the key areas where you can use keywords to optimize your site ranking?
Which scala library is used for the functional programming?
What are the different action types in peoplesoft? (Add / update / correct history/ include history)?
What is a runtime version?
Where do you find the default Index fill factor and how to change it?
What are basic enhancement and restoration techniques?
How do I automatically consolidate data in excel?
What is meant by asset clearance . how should i make my entries in tally
What is a mongodb collection?
What is reactive power and where it is used.
Do you know what is gsm technology?
Described ternary conditional operator in PHP?