In differential centrifugation of cells with diameter D in centimeter, the square of D is given by D x D = [18n ln (RF / RI) ] / [ (RP – RFF) Wt ] where n is the fluid viscosity (poise), RF is the final radius of rotation (cm), RI is the initial radius of rotation (cm), RP is cell density (g/ml), RFF is the fluid density (g/ml), W the square for the rotational velocity in (radians / s) (radians / s), t is the time required to sediment from RI to RF (s). Derive an equation for W as a function for D, n, RF, RI, RP, RFF and t, with the stated units above, in radian
Answer / kang chuen tat (malaysia - pen
By algebraic formula, W = [18n ln (RF / RI) ] / [ (D x D) (RP – RFF) t ] where W is in (radians / s) (radians / s). One radian is approximately 57.288 degrees, then the W (radian) = (57.288) (57.288) W (degree) or W (in radian) = 3281.96 W (in degree). The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS 61405421706;;
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