if z transform lies in ROC then.
a)system is stable b)inverse of system is stable c)both system and its inverse are stable.
A 3-phase IM is supplied from 50 Hz system. It runs at speed of 1440 rpm and slip equal to 4 %. Calculate number of pole pairs. A 1 B 6 C 2 D 3
If a contactor need to replace with faulty one. what I want to check?
what is the purpose of supervision relay coil
The safest value of current which can pass from human body?
How to calculate multiplication factor in kva example 500kva ans pls ?
What are pre paid energy meters ? How it works ?
why we use battery source for current transformer polarity testing?
which oil is used in transformer?
In UPFC,What is the need for Dc link ( DC capatior)?
what is the difference b/w KVA and KW? the transformer are mentioned KVA rating and the loads are mentioned KW.why?
what is specific gravity of a battery if specific gravity increase/decrease,what will happen to the voltage/current of the battery