What does the a,b,c of 95a,95b,95c relays denotes?
why high current produce in case of transformer when turns are internally gets shorted.
What is the importance of RESONANCE
What is the difference between single point and double point bonding. please kindly detail about bonding of cables.
explain about the electrification in the Indian Railways? ie., how the power is taken and used to drive the train? explain with the block diagram??
Why two phase welding machine is used instead of three phase welding machine.
why capacitor bank is not used in generator power
If we have to feed a housing complex having load 8MVA, than what would be the better option, either we first step down 33kv supply into 11kv & than 430v or we proposed no of 33/.44 kv transformer, also which option is economical?
Why more sound is produced in mixer than grinder
why do we generate sinusoidal ac?can we generate some other waveforms by alternators?
what is the value of current and voltage that our body can resist ?
How to calculate the fuse rating depend upon the DC circuit?
what is power factor ? why is it so important?