40 HP motor how many square mm size wire use for stator to motor & aluminium wire use ?
How the field flux is controlled in DC drive ?
which protection function should measure RMS value of current&DFT value of current?
What is mimimum di -electric strength value for 33 KV transformer OLTC oil
for 1000kva transformer how kvar rating is need for this PFI plant. and how does it will calculate? and Apmpere rating of main cable connection?
6 Answers Engineers India, GCC, KP, QPSL, Siemens,
In a d.c circuit, if current and resistance are known, power (P=I*I*R) can be determined. This relationship also applied to an a.c circuit. Comment the reason for this.
why do we have 230v a.c. as general voltage for domestic supply rather than others?
Cb closed condition if there is a tcs fail whether cb will trip or not
testing of transformer
Distribution transformer we provided 2 separate earthing pit for Body and 2 separate earthing pit for neutral,we can not connect separate body earthing pit to other earthing pit but we do metal glanding in secondary side cable termination in both side, transformer and PCC panel (LT Panel), is this safe for transformer and other equipment?
how do you measure earth leakages in 3phase wires?
If symmetrical fault occurs at the terminal of a synchronous motor then how the motor will act...explain it..
what is split phase ac system?