If the (Motor control center)Panel work on field the relay
used in panel in the case this will be damage and no
indication provide on panel.fault occur in panel and MCB
will not trip. how happen the relay damage in panel and what
effect of panel.
which is more dangerous AC\DC supply
what is the response time of relays when a FAULT OCCURS IN A POWER SYSTEM?
What is complex power?
how many earthings will be required for 1 isolator & 2 VCB, which are connected to a 1600 KVA Distribution TRansformer?
Can you any one explain different between instantaneous over current and IDMT
How can calculate the rating of a servo stabilizer for given a specific load
415v 14kw so can u tell me how i can measure the cable size.then size of the earth also
What are the weight of 800KV DA,DB and DC type tower ?
advantages of vvvf drives over non vvvf drives for EOT cranes
What is tranformer differtial?
What is K-rated transformer? What is the use of it? What can be the size(pls provide calculation if possible) of K- factor transformer for 550kW,690V motor operating with drive (VFD)?
what will happen if phases are not shorted with neutral in transformer impedance test? and if neutral is not connected with ground?