where can the transformer having vector group Yny0 be used??
why the power factor in inductive load is lagging while it is leading in capacitive load?
In Fluorescent tube there is a writing like 6500k . what this 6500k represents?
Whether cable is designed for different fault currents?
what is the abbreviation for F.M In FM-200 fire suppression system
why single core HT cable need only one side earthing?
what is sevice settings for mccb?How can be it setted?
how many desk top computer can connect to a 25kva 3phase generator?
I have 3 1000 kva single phase transformers and I wish to replace them with one three phase transformer. What is he kva rating of the new three phase, is it 1000 kva also or 3000 kva.
What is the difference between AC voltage and DC voltage?
What is domestic transformer? Draw the connection of domestic transformer.
what is rocking arrangement in arc heating
What is the de rating factor of cable? What is the importance of the de rating factor in cable select