diffrence betveen base rate and bplr
how can base price be standardize and why?
Why Do Companies Go for Mereger & Acqisitions?
What are the different levels of Management? Describe the role of the people at each level of management?
What is Business Development?
why you want to change the job?
I have done my Toefl in 7th march,2008 and i got less marks in my Toefl exam(Paper-based test)i.e (487) and can i apply for my I-20 with that marks? I couldnt apply for fall due to some personal problems,and i'm trying for spring. I found college but are there any other colleges i am ready to do any Esl tests ,please name some college in New Jersey side,wit total expenses about($8000-$14000).
what is the difference between a leader and a a manager
"Planning is looking ahead & control is looking back."Comment.
Describe of production processes, quality, stock control and factors internal and external that effect production within the organisation?
What are two questions that an owner might be able to answer by looking at accounting information?
treasury bills market in india?
what is the diffrence between equity and warrant ?