defination of radial vibration?
A differential pressure transmitter is configured to measure the height of an open tank : height 10m and dia 5m. Suppose this same transmitter is shifted to another open tank : height 10m and dia 4m. What will be the %error in measurement? how?
i want to measure temp of hot sand(welding flux) in closed chamber(around 150 deg C).Which is better thermocouple or thermometer?
For an Instrumentation Engineer, is there any effect on Instruments of safety zones like zone0, zone1, zone2. As an instrumentation Engineer, what we have to consider or remember while working in these areas.( zones 0,1,2).
How can I map a tank? Tank 15m h and 42m dia. we just fixed radar type lit. its reading shows over range. Now its required mapping ?
if we open the inlet of an air regulator ,how it will affect the out put of regulator? (out put of regulator is using to operate an on-off is an air to open valve,and valve is in open doubt is air regulator will hold the valve in open or not,if there is no consumption or leak in regulator out put side ,we only loose the input pressure.)
why 4-20 mA signal is preferred over a 0-10V signal
what are the steps to follow force a particular input or out put from ics triplex esd system?
what is basic difference between motion balance and force balance in pneumatic instrument?
why OPC server is used in DCS?
Someone Please tell me what are the Pre-Commissioning activities in a Thermal Power Plant for an instrumentaion Engg.
Which softwere is required to communicate the S7-300 processor