as per is code, what is the minimum content of opc and ppc
cement for rcc structure
How many types of traps are used?
where the corner reinforcement be placed in the rigid road pavement? can it be placed below the bottom main bar of double netting pavement?
why shear reinforcement is not provided in the design of footing?
where can i get the previous question papers for rrb section enginerr (civil)
How many cement mortor dry quantity required for 1m3 ?(1:4)
what is the difference between highway and motorway?
How much will be Concrete required for one Sq.meter of area for building work?
2 Answers PSD, SMC, Tudor Infrastructures,
how to calculate the steel for rcc slab? plz tell me the formula for calculating the steel?
36 Answers ABC, AG Technologies, Artemis, DCL, Dodsal, Dream Space, FIRA, FWO, Government, HSCL, Isolux Corsan, IVRCL, JP Group, Kalindee Rail, Klassic Constructions, RDH, Shriram, Techno Electric and Engineering, URC Construction,
how many numbers of 4inch bricks and get consumed in 9 inch BB masonary wall in cubic feet.plz send my below e.mail adress
0 Answers Quaid-e-Azam International Hospital,
diffrence between mjb & mnb
how will i find leakage in underground?