the ratio of liquid limit to plastisity index for the soil
mass is called
liquidity index
shrinkage ratio
consistancy index
What do you mean by "M-30"?
How we can calculate the quantity of sand, & cement, & also aggregate for a slab. Length 25'/3.28 = 7.62 Mtr width 20'/3.28 = 6.09 Mtr depth 6" /3.28 = 0.152 Mtr
weight rcc m30
Difference between ton and metric ton
what if i want to lap a 20mm dia and a 16mm dia together wat will be the lap length?? a) 1m b) 80mm
Terms Name the bars which is used in beam and colume ? Like starter bar etc.
What is the Laplenth for Reinforcement for Verticl and horizontal Structures as per IS code?
what is the spacing required for chairs for reinforcing in raft footing.
How can I calculate the Compressive strength of cubes after 28 days of curing?Is there any formula or ration ?
1cubic meter of bricks = ? kg
How to find quantity of cement bags, sand, coarse aggregate, from 1m3 of concrete of m20 design?
why we used bricks in brickbat coba? main roll of bricks ? how it function?
3 Answers Brigade, Waskom Construction,