how to calculate 1 cubic meter rcc concrete 1:1.5:3
ratio ,how much aggrates and sand , quanitites
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Answer / ratheesh
Mix = 1:1.5:3
cement = 1/5.5 *1.52 = .276Mcube,
= 0276 * 1440 =397.4kg.
sand = 1.5/5.5 * 1.52 = 0.414Mcube
Aggregate = 3/5.5 * 1.52 = 0.82 Mcube
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / renjith
mix ratio=1:1.5:3
total amnt of cement=(1.54\5.5)*1440
400.4 something=8 packet
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sagar tiwari
for 1 m3
1*1.52/5.5=0.276*30=8.29=bags of cement
{1.52=dry weight coefficient}
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 1 No |
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