In a gymnastic competition, scoring is based on the average
of all scores given by the judges excluding the maximum and
minimum scores.
Let the user input the number of judges, after that, input
the scores from the judges.
Output the average score.
Note: In case, more than two judges give the same score and
it happens that score is the maximum or minimum then just
eliminate two scores.
For example, if the number of judges is 5 and all of them
give 10 points each. Then the maximum and minimum score is
10. So the computation would be 10+10+10, this time.
The output should be 10 because 30/3 is 10.
Write a program to receive an integer and find it's octal equivalent. How can i do with using while loop.
int aaa() {printf(“Hi”);} int bbb(){printf(“hello”);} iny ccc(){printf(“bye”);} main() { int ( * ptr[3]) (); ptr[0] = aaa; ptr[1] = bbb; ptr[2] =ccc; ptr[2](); }
Find your day from your DOB?
15 Answers Accenture, Microsoft,
#define clrscr() 100 main() { clrscr(); printf("%d\n",clrscr()); }
to remove the repeated cahracter from the given caracter array. i.e.., if the input is SSAD output should of SAD
Who could write how to find a prime number in dynamic array?
void main() { int i=5; printf("%d",i+++++i); }
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how to return a multiple value from a function?
main() { char *a = "Hello "; char *b = "World"; clrscr(); printf("%s", strcat(a,b)); } a. Hello b. Hello World c. HelloWorld d. None of the above
which function is used to clear the buffer stream on gcc? for example: I wrote following code on gcc #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { char ch; int a,b; printf("\nenter two numbers:\t"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); printf("enter number is %d and %d",a,b); printf("\nentercharacter:\t"); scanf("%c",&ch); printf("enter character is %c",ch); return 0; } in above progarm ch could not be scan. why?plz tell me solution.
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