which function is used to clear the buffer stream on gcc?
for example:
I wrote following code on gcc
int main(void)
char ch;
int a,b;
printf("\nenter two numbers:\t");
printf("enter number is %d and %d",a,b);
printf("enter character is %c",ch);
return 0;

in above progarm ch could not be scan.
why?plz tell me solution.

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which function is used to clear the buffer stream on gcc? for example: I wrote following code on g..

Answer / nikhil

after scanning integers if we scan character this happens.
it is a bug of scanf
so to solve this give a space in scanf before %c like this :
scanf(" %c",&ch);
so that it will wait for the character.

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which function is used to clear the buffer stream on gcc? for example: I wrote following code on g..

Answer / juma ogutu

In the scanf function,in
the format specifier,try
out %s rather than %c
and check out the

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