dear sir, i completed diploma in electrical in 2005, how i
can get electrical supervisor liance in mumbai
16kv transformeris stolen in my village.and department is not taking action.then what should i do.any shortcut .please help any idea
Is there any option to replace two Genset of capacity 125KVA with one higher capacity for same office?
what is reluctance?
why should the primary of transformer be connected in delta in a heat run test?
What is working principle of ACB and VCB?
What is class ab operation?
how can we know the size of cable cross-section from current rating ?
what should be the minimum rating for using HT Motors?
If single phase supply is 220v. then why three phase supply is 660?
In an alternator running with a balanced zero p.f. lagging load, phase differernc between the resultant armature flux and main field flux is always____? options is 180 degree....why?? explain.
a 120 60 watt incandescent lamp has to be operated from 50 c/sec 1 phase ac supply. in order to do this a circuit element has to be connect in series with the lamp. which one of the following sries element is preferable.