dear sir, i completed diploma in electrical in 2005, how i
can get electrical supervisor liance in mumbai
What is Toroid?. What is the difference between toroid and Current Transformer
why mosquito bat makes noise when it hits with a insect?
sir please tell 1 ton equal to how many kilo watt?? in some converter software's that is 3.5 kw. is it right?
What is the acceptance value of leakage current in HI POT test
Define unilateral circuit?
Please tell me if you are electrical engineer,and you are appointed for the maintainance of Electrical Power plant,then which parts of the plant deal with you.Also tell how these parts/components work.
is it possible to run the any motor when winding grounded? how?
i have seen one 8.4 MW synchronous motor in a plant located in bellary it is fixed with brushless rotary rectifier ,anybody can explain its start up principle
why is the earthing pin on 3 pin top are big and thick
what happen if the parallel generator phase angle shift by 1 degree in manual mode
which capacity of RCCB used for five thousand watt electricity load?
What is BusBar integrity test and how it is conducted?