How many lap joints are sufficient in column reinforcement ?
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Can a 24" RCC beam can rest on 18" RCC beam.
What is Heavy Concrete & Normal Concrete
what do you know lean concrete
Why we test compressive strength after 28 days..?
3 Answers NM Caramoan Builders,
What is geopolymer based concrete?
How much quantity of Cement and Sand required for Cement Sand Ratio of 1:1 and volume of pile is 0.61 m3
Minimum size of the particles of silt soil
I was once rejected for US visa in early August. But now I'm going again for interview next week. What are the chances that I will faced the same VO????
how much brick,cement,and sand required in 1cum brickwork(1:4)
what we execute firstly wall tile or floor tile?
7 Answers Colliers International,
If concrete fails in cube strength as well as non distactive test? what to do? for example grade of concrete is M35, cube strength is 26.1 n/mm2 after 28 days and non districtive test strength is 28.1 n/mm2 after 28 days. i am not distroying the rcc memeber.
what is shear key and steel schedule?