Difference between Distance vector, Link state protocols

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Difference between Distance vector, Link state protocols..

Answer / santosh

Distance vector routing is so named because it involves two factors: the distance, or metric, of a destination, and the vector, or direction to take to get there. Routing information is only exchanged between directly connected neighbors. This means a router knows from which neighbor a route was learned, but it does not know where that neighbor learned the route; a router can't see beyond its own neighbors. This aspect of distance vector routing is sometimes referred to as "routing by rumor." Measures like split horizon and poison reverse are employed to avoid routing loops.

Link-state routing, in contrast, requires that all routers know about the paths reachable by all other routers in the network. Link-state information is flooded throughout the link-state domain (an area in OSPF or IS-IS) to ensure all routers posess a synchronized copy of the area's link-state database. From this common database, each router constructs its own relative shortest-path tree, with itself as the root, for all known routes.

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Difference between Distance vector, Link state protocols..

Answer / samyak

Distance Vector Protocol :
1-->Susceptible for routing loop
2-->Send updates periodically
3-->limited hop count
4-->send entire routing table to all of its neighbor
5-->Use Bell-ford algorithm

Link State Protocol :
1-->Provide loop free path
2-->Create topology table to find out best path to
destination network .
3-->send triggered update ,when topology changes.
4-->support unlimited hop count
5-->Use SPF algorithm to find out best path

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Difference between Distance vector, Link state protocols..

Answer / jitendera

In distance vector routing protocol routing update will
send in the direction from the direction it is coming

in the link state the routing update will not be forwarded
from the direction it is coming

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