Please post the setups required to approve the payable
invoice in AP.
what are the jvs effcted in ptp cycle?
how many set of books required if you have 3 different type of currencies viz, rs, dollar and euro?
what is the impact if i wrongly assign the account type to an segment value in oracle apps r12?
What is the difference between manual payment and quick payment in payables?
Oracle financials talk of Set of Books. However at the beginning of an implementation, when you talk of set of books to the CFO, he will most likely tell you that 'He has just an accounting book for the organization'. So he feels that he does not need 'Set of Books'. How can you reconcile the above two statements?
What is Debit Memo & Credit Memo in Payables?
27 Answers Cognizant, HCL, IBM, TCS,
HI, once we create the standard invoice then we can get journal entry item expense a/c-dr to liability a.c then item it will reflect through inventory, but liability a/c . it will reflect from GL , it is possible .
What is Aging Periods?
how many banks (bank a/c) created in on legal entity level
As Supplier Header Information can share from another operating unit. Not Sites and other information...... but for a supplier if one OU(1) has made a prepayment..and other OU(2) of the same balancing segment has to make a payment to the same supplier..the prepayment available with that supplier is overlooked or not considered….is it true
Re: How to see the structure of organization?ie which LE connected to which ledger and which OU connected to which LE?
What is meant by receipt routing? Types?