Where do you get Alarm prompt?
What is the command to check wwn in solaris?
How to check the communication between 2 nodes?
What is the function of truss in solaris?
In an NIS environment if user forgot is password, then as an admin what you will do?
How to review multiple MAC Addess in Solaris?
How to Create a snapshot volume
How many file to modify the host name to be changed without rebooting the system.
what are the alarms in solaris?
Where do you get Alarm prompt?
What are the configuration files in VxVm?
How can u make file system of 65 GB if u get new disk of 80 GB? (U have to fix the disk and make the file system of 65 GB)
What are the steps to be follow to add a disk in veritas & before add the disk what are the steps to be follow