In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40%
students has passed in Physics, 17% students has passed in
both the subjects. So, how many percentage of students
hasn't passed in both the subjects?

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In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / aditya


Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 14 No

In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / ravi wadje

a U b = a + b - (a intersect b)

a U b = 52 + 40 - 17 = 75

failes student = 100 - 75 = 25%

So 25% students hasnt passed in exam..!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / wajahat hussain

pass students=17%
(AUB=A+B-Common=75% mean the student pass either Math or Physics.pass mean the student should pass both subjects)
failed in Math=100%-52%=48%
failed in Physics=100%-40%=60%
total failed=100%-17%=83%
(Math)U(Phy)= failed(Math)+failed(Phy)-failed in both
hence 25% failed in both

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / wareagle

If 17% of the students passed both tests, then 83% did not
pass both tests.
100% - 17% = 83%

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 13 No

In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / wareagle

#6 answer the question. No need to make up your own example.
Read #2. It is correct.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / wareagle


Question says "17% students has passed in
both the subjects. So, how many percentage of students
hasn't passed in both the subjects?"

Use only this part of the question to answer the question.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / boopathi

assume 100 stud
1.52 student pass in maths.
2.40 students pass in phy.
3.17 students pass in maths and phy

So.52-17=35 students pass in maths only
40-17=23 students pass in phy only
35+23+17=75 students pass in atleast one subject..
Ans is 100-75=25% students hasn't passed in both the subjects

so,25% of student hasn't pass in both sub.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / wareagle

#16 Incorrect answer. BOOPATHI Did you even look at answer
#15? How did you come up with all that rubbish to post?
The question says "17% students has passed in
both the subjects. So, how many percentage of students
hasn't passed in both the subjects?"

If 17% passed both subjects, then what % did not pass both
subjects. Would it not be 100% - 17% = 83% ? Why do you
want to make it so difficult?
What grade are you in? Did you graduate? Are you looking
for a job?

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / wareagle

Aman posted incorrectly again.

52-17=35 students pass in maths only
Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics. Why subtract
40-17=23 students pass in phy only
40% students has passed in Physics. Why subtract 1&%?

35+23+17=75 students pass in at least one subject..
Total nonsense.

Ans is 100-58=25% students hasn't passed in both the
Nope. You are wrong again.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

In a Class 52% students has passed in Mathematics, 40% students has passed in Physics, 17% students..

Answer / anan&

Aman posted
for example assume 100 students.
1.52 student pass in maths.
2.40 students pass in phy.
3.17 students pass in maths and phy
If you have 100 students 52% = 52 not 1.52 as you posted
40% = 40 not 2.40 as you posted
So.52-17=35 students pass in maths only
17% has nothing to do with math. The question said 52%
passed or 52 students and not 35 as you posted
40-17=23 students pass in phy only
The question said 40% passed physics or 40 students and not
23 as you posted.
35+23+17=75 students pass in at least one subject..
Question said 52 passed Math and 40 passed physics.
How can you say 75 passed at leased one subject?
Ans is 100-58=25% students hasn't passed in both the
You must be one of the group that failed math.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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