How to see the structure of organization?ie which LE
connected to which ledger and which OU connected to which LE?
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In Release 12, try to get the information with the below
1. Login to GL Super User Responsibility
(N)Setup --> Financials ---> Accounting Setup Manager --->
Accounting Setup
2. Query with the Ledger Name
3. Click on Update Accounting Option
3. Check the Legal Entity Name
4. Click on Operating Unit Update option under "Primary
Ledger Region" below the "Legal Entity" Region.
5. Click on Update on Operating Units under "Setup Step"
6. You will find Business Group, Legal Entity, Operating
Hope this works find.
Thanks & Regards,
Rajkumar Peddi
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Answer / loren
Oracle have a set of hierarchical structure. And this is a
multi org. With multi org you can make use of the
configuration for a single instance. With these
configuration you need to have a hierarchy as follows:
1. Business Organization - HR configuration of companies
with common employee pay structure, positions, departments
and hr flexfields.
2. Set of Books in r11 or General Ledger for r12
- defined 1 set of books for companies to share common set
up of chart of accounts, currencies & calendar. Should one
of the company functional currencies is different it will
require to define another set of books.
3. Legal Entity - for regulatory reporting purposes such as
vat report and to be associated to the set of books.
4. Operating Unit - to partition the SL level such as AR and
AP. To be associated to legal entity
5. Inventory organization - last to defined and to be
associated to Operating unit. to be defined irregardless if
to used inventory module. As this is a minimum set up of
multi org.
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