any application of back emf
What is the different types of cable & current capacity of cable
How can we convert dc to equivalent ac??
Why the capacitor are connected in Delta(Three Phase) for power factor improvement ?
Why Ferranti effect is occoured in leading power factor load in a overhead transmission line?
How to take vector group test of a transformer? Suppose we dont know the vector group of transformer, how to check its vector group through test? I have 3 transformer DYn11 & DYno& Ynd11, how to confirm its vector group?
Send the control circuit digram of a star delta stater?
what is diffrence between dc motor and dc generator?
what is meant by class 1 E in electrical power supply?
how and why are capacitors are used to improve powerfactor?
What is the major difference between P.T. & C.V.T ? Why CVT is used in HT Transmission line in place of P.T.?
can you tell me/show me, how to manually synchronize 2 DG. preferred with video.
what are factors to be consider to design a HT & LT motor?