what is meant by class 1 E in electrical power supply?
What is cathode ray oscilloscope (cro)?
In dc motor starter there is less voltage required for holding contactor that's may why it is called no volt coil. but in ac starter why holding contactor is called no volt coil.
Why the transformers are rated in KVA ? in new view
why most of the induction are delta connected?
what is the speed of a turbine in an hydroelectric power station and how many poles does it have...?
how caculate the pump head to maintain perticuler pressure of water and what would be the motor size in hp for the same?
What is OLTC in transformers and what is its function?
why dc source used for HV breakers and Relays operation?
What is Electrical Engineering?
13 Answers L&T, NTPC, Wockhardt,
can i know how to design overcurrent setting and earth fault for 11kv & o.433kv system assuming tx 1000kva.
Which are the types of breakers used in High Tension (HT) side?
In EB metering we face problem kva jump even in no load condition.can any one help to control this