why cont we short earth and N.......?
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Answer / m.gopinath
It will be better explained with a example:
The Geyser will have three terminals viz phase, neutrl and
earth. The phase and neutral are given to the Geyser coil
for heating and earth connected to Geyset body to avoid
body shock. If the earth and neutral are connected
together, the current will flow in the body not in the
geyser coil. Hence the geyser coil can not heated up.
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Answer / vijendra joglekar
We can short both earth and neutral notihng will hapen but
in case of any fault in the equipment the fault current will
flow directly to the earth .So as per the IEEE standard that
is not correct way to do the electrical coneection.
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Answer / kiran@c&selctric ltd
supporting that answer it also causes shock to human beings
when we toch the body
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