Question 44 - In a non-dilute absorber, graphical method is used to represent the process. In an X - Y coordinate system, X-axis represents mole of carbon dioxide / mole of water and Y axis represents mole of carbon dioxide / mole of nitrogen. The inlet gas stream consists of 8 mol % of carbon dioxide in nitrogen. (a) Find the S / G minimum as a slope that goes through the point (0, 0.0304) and (0.0000488, 0.086957). (b) Find the actual slope of operating line when it is 1.5 times the S / G minimum! (c) Find the value of x for inlet gas stream when y = 1640 x, y is mole fraction of carbon dioxide in nitrogen.
Answer / kang chuen tat (malaysia - pen
Answer 44 - (a) S / G minimum = (0.086957 - 0.0304) / (0.0000488 - 0) = 1160. (b) S / G actual = 1.5 (1160) = 1740. (c) Let x = y / 1640 = 0.08 / 1640 = 0.0000487805. The value of y corresponds to 8 % or 0.08. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.37 : A biochemical engineering professional applies 5-step Du Pont formula in the accounting. Let Net Income = A, Earning Before Tax (EBT) = B, Earning Before Interest, Tax (EBIT) = C, Net Sales = D, Total Assets = E, Shareholders Equity = F. Let Tax Burden = A / B = 0.75, Interest Burden = B / C = 1.05, EBIT Margin = C / D = 0.27, Asset Turnover = D / E = 0.66, Return on Equity = A / F = 0.37. (a) Calculate the value of Leverage = E / F. (b) If AB + BC + CD + DE + EF = $$ 141932, find the values of A, B, C, D, E and F.
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