Differentiate between joiner and lookup transformation?
what is the drillup & drill down?and use of the drill up and drill down?
can we use union transformation in joiner transformation?how?
1 Answers Dabur, Tech Mahindra,
What is a difference between complete, stop and abort?
What is polling?
what is distinct
How to transform normalized data to denormalized form in informatica? Is there any logic or any transformations to achieve this?
What is union transformation in informatica?
What is the role of informatica in project ?Like i showed financial projects?
following table source target name gender name target a1 male a1 female a2 female a2 male i want a1 female update to target how will do?
. Design a mapping, first two phone calls received by a customer must be represented as "Home" , "Office" and the next calls must be concatinated and represented as "Other".Look at the below tables :: Source Definition Customer Phone_Number A 9848403211 A 9812675432 A 9112356788 A 9876503276 B 9567890765 B 9876098567 AND THE TARGET IS Customer Home Office Other A 9848403211 9812675432 9112356788,9876503276 B 9567890765 9876098567 Null
Can we update the data in flat file using update strategy?
what is target load plan