sir i have 4 year gap in engineering. i would complete my
degree it in 2014. it will be may be in 2nd
hsc is also with 2nd class.
i am week in programming.
Then if i want highest package upto 5-6 lacs then what
should i prepare myself as a good engineer to get this
What are the features of tata nano , technical specification of tata nano, overview of tata nano, varients of tata nano, price of tata nano, dealers of tata nano, expectation from tata nano, criticism of tata nano, tata nano hybrid ?
What is the Boundary value analysis and Equlance class partition for select * from emp
How does C pass variables to a function ?
Hi all, Pls find the bellow mentioned interview questions related to hp-unix. 1. Job Scheduling; mainly crontab, at, batch command 2. Backup stetegy; incremental, full system back up; diff between tar & ufsdump 3. diff between hard link & softlink 4. How to list only the directories inside a directory (Ans. ls -l|grep "^d") 5. RAID levels; pros & cons of diffrent levels; what is RAID 1+0 6. How to recover a system whose root password has lost? 7. What is a daemon? 8. How to put a job in background & bring it to foreground? 9. What is default permissions for others in a file? 10. Questions on shell initialization scripts? 11. Questions on restricted shell 12. What is diff betwn grep & find? 13. What is egrep? 14. Questions on shell programming 15. What is a pipe? 16. Questions on Solaris patch management like pkgadd etc Thnaks & Regards Biswanath Das Email
Please send the questions asked at HLL??
plz plz help me "how can i face dell varcent round"....? plzzzzzzzz help me friends.....?
model question papers of GrayOrange company
friends help a btech fresher.. wt is the eligibility criteria for TCS???? like %...repli me clearly from x onwards..
What will be the sql query to list the employee names those are getting 3rd highest salary ?
java is called platform independent but JVM is required for same operating system why?
I am from B.Tech back ground, i had Applied to do masters in Engineering management, and university gave Admission and sent I-20, if the interviewer asks why are doing masters in this field, even you are from B.Tech (information technology)? Can any one give me relevant answer, if interviewer asks that question
why does a microprocessor generally hAVE more address lines than data lines?