in my industry we are using 3 step up transformers for
induction heaters..i.e 415/580v and other are 11/ power consumption does a step trnsformer makes any difference
compared to step up?? plz explain
what is the function of potential transformer in s/s
why we cant control neutral instead of phase in single phase?
How to configure the drives in PLC, through Profibus commnication. And to how to address it?
what is difference Auto-transformer and ICT ?
i want all question & answers of the written exam
1 Answers Essar, L&T, MES, RRB,
what is RFID? thire application;
What is a differential amplifier?
Consider three heater bank connected in 3 phase star with neutral.Each heater bank connected in each phase.So each phase get 230 volts question is,during balance condition, current flow in neutral or Not
Whether the Dc motor Droping the power factor like AC motor if lot of motor running in factory is it necessary to connect capacitor bank
How much current in 100 kva Transformer HT & LT side
what is the need of reactor in between the transmission line? powergrid like that..