who decide the place for ATM installation in bank?
If at all any offer with more package you get after a period of 3 to 6 months what would be your desicion ?
what are social responsibilities of a company.
How do you plan to acheive targets assigned to you for a perticular period?
I am at starting stage,so how could i prepare for my management interviews?
Give me an example of a time when you motivated others.
0 Answers ICICI, Yash Technologies,
out line your long term goals & ambition which may be of interest to us
In what way do you think, our Group meets your career objectives ?
Describe a time your company did not deliver on its product or service and how you responded?
What steps do you take when you have an idea to improve either a company service or product?
Explain your approach to managing important projects?
In an Fmcg Company u r getting 3.2 package and now u r expecting around 5 lakhs in the time of recession ..so why u r expecting such a high package in this time ?
2 Answers Quality Assurance, Wipro,