How would you reference column values before and after you have inserted and deleted triggers?
What is right join in sql?
What is the difference between row level and statement level trigger?
What are the two parts of a procedure ?
What is bulk compiling in pl/sql.?
Q1.all the depts which has more then 10 empls? Q2.all the dept which does not have any emply? Q3 all the emp which does not have any dept? Q4 get all the emply detais with the dept details it dept is exit otherwise any emp details? Q5 how to debugg the dynamic sql and packages?
What does the argument [or replace] do?
which will fire first ? Trigger or Constraint
24 Answers i2, IBM,
What is a ddl command?
how many no of table can be join in a sql query.
What is sql rowcount?
What is varray in pl sql?
Does mysql support pl sql?