How do use Having,Group by,Group function in SQL?
What is difference between process and thread? Explain lazy writer funcationality.
how would you write a sql query to compute a frequency table of a certain attribute involving two joins? What changes would you need to make if you want to order by or group by some attribute? What would you do to account for nulls?
what is performance tunning in sql server ? explain.
Can you change the data type of a column in a table after the table has been created? If so, which command would you use?
Write a SQL query to make a column as unique?
wat new abt truncate in sql server
What is the basic functions for master, msdb, tempdb databases?
Is natural join and equi join same?
Explain sql delete command?
What are the ways available in sql server to execute sql statements?
How to set database to be read_only in ms sql server?
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