What is the basic functions for master, msdb, tempdb databases?

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What is the basic functions for master, msdb, tempdb databases?..

Answer / dharmendra k. dixit

Master , MSDB and TempDB
these are the inbuild Database which r provided by SQL
All have their own functinality & responsbility like.

1. Master : Master DB is responsible for Storing all
information at system level.
2. MSDB : it is Microsoft DB, it creates a Copy of whole
Database in it
3. TempDB : it stores all the log information of Server,
it will initilize automatically wheneve Server will start,
the max. size alloted fro TempDB is 10MB.

Thanks & Regards
Dharmendra k. Dixit

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What is the basic functions for master, msdb, tempdb databases?..

Answer / pinak

the basics function of master is "it stores all sytem level
information in it, all databases which need for user
defineed database.
msdb is microsoft database.it works just like a recorder.

tempdb is a temprary database.

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