India has the world's largest deposit of
a. Copper
b. mica
c. silver
d. gold
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Name your last contribution to your previous employment
Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks.
i had been rejected once..,now if i remove my money which i have borrowed and the passs book entry and balance certificate of the previous one, would it do for the next interview or i have to make again new statements for just 10 days??
what is repo rate? plz explain it in broad.
Please inform me about interview of computer operating in income tax dapartment lahore.
why do you want to join MBA COURSE
what do you actually do and how it differs from what you thought you would be doing when you started work and what problems you had to overcome and what recommendations you have for someone who is just starting out in your field?
Explain the communication process using the communication theory?
Why are you the best person for the job position you are applying for?
i would like to know about satyam bpo interview tips and what they will ask in the interview please give me answer
what is ur outlook in life???