i am going to attaned the engineer (disign)iterview at HAL
please give me duid line
what's the different between ELCB, ELR and ELS?
in 11kv generators the neutral point is connected to earth via earth coil while in the 33 / 11 kv transformer the neutral point is connected to earth via earth resistor why?
what is the concept of directional power?
How much is the starting current for HPMV lamps. How many lamps can u wire in a circuit
What is IPXX?
why we use to always generate power below 16kv.why not at higher voltage?
What is TR of AC?
Just a silly question but just to make my curious mind bac to normal - Why was not 67 and 67N relays built into a single relay as i have noticed that the R,Y,B CT wiring end up into the 67 relay while the common of the R,Y,B CT wiring end up into the 67N relay. Then it was better if a single relay was manufactured just like the distance relay (21). Another question i would like to ask is - how do we know where the 67 and 67 N relay has to be placed.why is it not placed at the transformer bay? In the substaion that i am working -i have noticed that it is placed between a breaker and a common double bus bar and this line bay is connected to another substation at a remote place which is furthur connected to a load. B U S______CT for 67 & 67N ______Breaker _____ remot s/s. B A R
During the main stator winding insulation testing (phase to ground)of 11kv alternator (Lerysomer) i found 0 and resistance with multimeter and found 20 killo ohm while the power cables are connected both end (Generator & VCB). In VCB PT (Potential transformer) are connected. Please any body explain that method of insulation is correct or not? also describe of PT connections
Type of motor stater detail and working detail
can you explain the rms value in simple words....
Whot is the braking capacity for MCCB. How we select different braking capacity.