How can i calculate the Breaking capacity of molded case
circuit breaker, is the breaking capacity of CB for Diesel
generator shall be less than grid supply's breaker ?
what happen if power factor goss to above unity (one) ? of any electrical system or motor.
What are the basic components of the feedback control system?
How many types of electrical earthing are there?
What is the meaning of high reputuring in HRC fuse.?
how to cal calculate capacitance in DC Circuit
what is draiv work
importance of air gap in transformer
how hydrogen cooled alternator undergo maintanence ? that is hydrogen when come in contact with air can result into explosions .
how to measure earth pit resistance
7 Answers BARC, BYD Electronic, Construction,
Can the output voltage of a rectifier be greater than the input AC voltage without the use of any voltage multiplier in the circuit??please provide the explanation too..
what composit error,ratio error,phase error in CT and PT??
what do you understand by dressing a HT/LT pole
1 Answers Federal Polytechnic Nekede,