1.write test cases for bangle
2.what is difference between defect and bug life cycle
3.what are the inputs for writing test cases
4.how to map requirements to test cases
5.where to attached the test cases
6.what is sdlc
7.what are the difference between sanity and smoke testings
8. user accaptance testing types
9.what is the mail module in qc
10.why are u changing ur job
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / chill
Is there anyone to answer it, or we have to find on google ????
Is This Answer Correct ? | 18 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / hahaha
there are 2 diff test cases for bangles.
ha ha ha ha.. lol
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 4 No |
what is url testing
1)What are diffrent matrics assosiated with testing?
Hi can any body clarify me plz What are responsibilities of a test engineer in the company,and how he communicates wiht t.l as well as test manager, In wich situation this type of i mean serious commnication takes place(give me one example).and how the interaction will takes place between tester and client can anybody plz clatify me
Which are the different tests for apparel testing?
0 Answers Mahatma Gandhi University,
IS V Model a Process model or a Technique ? Can V process/Technique if answer for above be implemented in WaterFall Model.
How do you determine wat to be tested?
Hi,Can anybody pls let me know "what is the actual need for test strategy when there is test Plan?"Whay is test plan needed?
How do you test for the coockies for a web application?
what is the difference between test plan and test strategy?
What Is risk Based testing?
What r the domain for pharma, interview if they ask about phrma application, what need to tell, is there anybody have screens or any information please tell me and if have URL let me know please.
HI can i know who is taking real time testing classes in banglore? i am preparing to put 3+year experience in testing if possible anybody give suggestions for preparing 3+exp