what is equivalence partition? what is the use of it?

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what is equivalence partition? what is the use of it?..

Answer / belal raslan

Equivalence partition is a group of test cases that tests
the same thing or produce the same bug (or not). we usually
use this test design technique to reduce test cases (and
test time) and to assure best coverage.

Belal Raslan

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what is equivalence partition? what is the use of it?..

Answer / priya

Equivalence partitioning is a black-box testing method
- divide the input domain of a program into classes
of data
- derive test cases based on these partitions.

Test case design for equivalence partitioning is based on
an evaluation of equivalence classes for an input domain.

An equivalence class represents a set of valid or invalid
states for input condition.

An input condition is:
- a specific numeric value, a range of values
- a set of related values, or a Boolean condition

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what is equivalence partition? what is the use of it?..

Answer / swapna chinnapapakkagari

Ensure all the representative values have been considered
For login Id give all types of Inputs,

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what is equivalence partition? what is the use of it?..

Answer / guest


>Equivalence partitioning , a Black box Technique , is done
mostly on Data inputs derived from the requirement
specification.It is done rarely on Output data.

>The set of input datum are divided into certain classes
having equivalent property.
Like : Certain inputs are Valid inputs and others are
invalid ones.

>The partitions may done upon different property depending
upon the requirements.

>It helps in avoiding Exhaustive testing.


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what is equivalence partition? what is the use of it?..

Answer / msnreddy

Equalance nothing but select the valid and valid clases
example as per client requirement the edit box access onaly
3-5 capital alphabets then we divided in ecp like vaid
values only A-Z invalid values are a-z and special
characters like ^,8<%

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 10 No

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