can we run the home fan both clock and anticlockwise direction
What is current & voltage ? Voltage perform at any load without current or not?
How can you limit the fault level in a power system?
Can we convert off load tap changer transformer to on load tap changer transformer
We have energy meter of ct ratio 200/5amp and installed cut having ct ratio 100/5 amp what is final MF?
What is the name of the winding from which the supply is taken for load connections?
What do you mean by linear and bilateral network?
20 Answers Automation, Disa, EGCB, Infosys, OPTCL, TICT,
what is the procedure for erection of a transformer
What is difference between YNyn0 and YNyn ??
What should be the overcurrent, instantaneous overcurrent, short cicuit current settings (i.e. how many times of motor full load and what is the time duration) for a motor?
in dc machines in the armature nature of power is ac but why we take rasistance instead of impedance?
what is the reason for harmonics introduced in the line