There is any especial requirement for motor to drive
through with VFD?
what is the difference between E.L.C.B & R.C.C.B?
how line turns ratio changes in 3 phase with change in connection
Compare salient pole and Hndrical rotor machines.
how to calculate a cable size while load is given in amp or kw and length is also define.?
Is it possible to use a S1 duty class motor for crane application (S4)? If not, why?
What is the difference between a fuse and a breaker?
I want to know what must the CT ratio be on a load of 300A is a 3PH nutral to earh installation?
how ti maintain the power factor in power generation
the resstance of a thermistor is 5000 ohm at 25degreeC and coefficient is .04/degCel. A measurement with lead resitance of 10 ohm will cause an error of
Why not connect relay Y phase for over current and earth fault
Why the capacitor bank is keeping on for electricity supply and keeping it off for generator supply
for same rating of a transformer and induction motor which one will have higher magnetising current flowing?