How will be the single line diagram of series trip HT
breaker? how it works?
in a transmission line if the load is suddenly increased in the receiving end of the system the phase shift will ?
Formula to calculate amps rating when we are having only the width & thickness of the coppper ?
what will be d.g. capacity to cater together for 14hp A.C. load & 3kw lighting load
any body,pls tell me how to done relay coordination ? how to coordinate by TCC curve?how to read the tcc curve?
i need the curve duty cycle and amper for (150 kva @50% dyty cycle) transformer turn ratio :19 and vin 400
Difference between On Line capacitor and Station Type capacitor.
what is the difference between watts and volts?
If Three Runs of 1Cx300 Sqmm Cable between Transformer and VCB and the distance between 100mtrs. what will be total length of Cable and if cost 1500Rs per meter,what would be the total cost
Which types of Gases occure when mineral oil burnt
1. Why is the speed of shunt motor practically constant? 2. Why dc series motor use to start with heavy loads? 3. advantages & disadvantages of separately excited generator over self excited generator?
What is a liquid resistance starter?where it is used??
what should be the megger test report for 11KV cable when meggered with 5KV megger , what is the resistance value we should get