Which command would configure Interface E0 with an IP address of using a Subnet mask of ?

A.) ip address

B.) ip address /24

C.) ip address mask

D.) ip address mask ff:ff:ff:0

E.) that is an invalid mask for a class 'A' address

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Which command would configure Interface E0 with an IP address of using a Subnet mask of..

Answer / harsh singh

router(config-if)#ip address

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Which command would configure Interface E0 with an IP address of using a Subnet mask of..

Answer / guest

Answer: A but B & D can be used if the router is configured

Router#(config)ip netmask-format (bitcount | decimal |

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Which command would configure Interface E0 with an IP address of using a Subnet mask of..

Answer / alex

router(config-if)#ip address

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