if 12+22=24 23+8=6 32+13=40 73+16=144 then 36+2=?
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Answer / amardeep kumar
so answer of 36+2=38=3*8=24=24*2=48
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36+2=48 because 12+22=24 but the correct answer is 34
product of 3*4=12 & multiply this with 2 so the ans is 24
23+8=6 & crrt ans is 31 product of 3*1 is 3 & multiply with 2
ans is 6 and the same for the remaining
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Answer / sharada
so answer of 36+2=38=3*8=24=24*2=48
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Answer / debasish dash
bcz 12+22=34,3*4=12,12*2=24
similarly all othr things cn b chckd
n finally
so d ans is 48
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Answer / pavani bolinedi
Answer is 48
Answer of 36+2=38=3*8=24=24*2=48
Finally answer is 48..
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