Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of
them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is
equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the
original number divided.

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Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bu..

Answer / guest


Assume that initial there were 3*X bullets.

So they got X bullets each after division.

All of them shot 4 bullets. So now they have (X - 4) bullets

But it is given that,after they shot 4 bullets each, total
number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had
after division i.e. X

Therefore, the equation is

3 * (X - 4) = X

3 * X - 12 = X

2 * X = 12

X = 6

Therefore the total bullets before division is = 3 * X = 18

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Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bu..

Answer / cincy

I'm confused by this part of the above equation:
3 * X - 12 = X

2 * X = 12

How does the three magically become a two?

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Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bu..

Answer / rajeev

ans is 6
hence 6 bullets

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Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bu..

Answer / karthikeya subburaj

Ans is 18.

Let assume original no. of bullets be x.

x - 3(4) = x/3

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