What is neutral test case?
What is Equivalence Partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis. Is Boundary Value is subset of Equivalence Partitioning??
which test comes first installation testing or compatiability testing
have you ever performed Back End Testing,HOW?
How to prepare traceability matrix?
If I have prepared the test case document for version 2.0 and I got the new build say 2.1 then I have to add the test cases for version 2.1.My question is that How should I do that? because each test case has a unique id .
who are all participate in preparing SRS documents? what are the datas present in SRS documents? who will create test plan ? what are the inputs for test plan & test case?
What is web architecture that is followed while doing online project and tell the samples of architecture?
what is the call-pair testing? there is any length for Test case?
what are the examples for web based applications and Client Server Applications
5 Answers ASD Lab, CFCI, College School Exams Tests, GXS,
what is the most critical bug u have to find in ur project.My application is ERP based,in this purchase module is there.plz tell me the answer?
0 Answers Accenture, Value Labs,
Give me an example when black box testing will not able to detect a bug which white box will detect?
what is remedy testing, explain that and how can use that