what is the difference b/w the refresh and buffered data?
I have 2 tables. Table 1 is employee table and Table2 is department table. In employee table i have 1,2,3,4,5 emp id's,in Dept table i have various dept's like a,b,c and i have 2,3,4 emp id's in my dept table.I joined with these 2 tables.I want the results for equi join means how many records will fetch.In the same scenario i have to know the left outer join, right out join and full outer join resuls means how many records will come. can any body tell me the answers
Explain about a tricky situation for which you found a very simple solution?
bo 6.5 is a 3 tier architecture. Tell me the names of the tiers?
what are the roles and responsibilities of BO Administrator ?
1 Answers OCS Infotech, TCS, Wipro,
What is the most complex report you have developed. Explain and how did you overcome??? Please give some examples
How can you first report in Business Objects by using broadcast agent?
0 Answers Ness Technologies, Wipro,
How to implement LDAP authentication in BOE
i want to take a report 10 records per page. How to take it? is there any paging option in BO?
When we r going for Short_cut join & It's Resolution??? Plz provide one scenario??
How to link one location universe to other location universe
what is the difference between input file repository server and output file repository server ?
Give some information on report bursting and how to do it in bca as I have to split the report and send diff reports to diff people?