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Siebel Interview Questions
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What's a bubbled event?

3 8816

Derive WSDL?

6 10058

Define ViewState and how can it be used?

6 15462

Differentiate an ADO.NET Dataset and an ADO Recordset with its functionality?

3 7164

Differentiate between Server Transfer and Response Redirect?

2 10069

What is the main use of Response.Output.Write()?

4 11870

What is the namespace used to store the information about the user?s locale?

1 7390

In a Code-Behind class generally which type of code is found ?

3 10639

Where can we set the specific variables for a application and Session objects ?

2 5394

Define an assembly?

9 12453

What are the two properties that are common in every validation control?

4 7889

What are the different methods that are used during the page load?

1 5621

Which data types are supported by the RangeValidator control?

2 8043

Explain how inline and code behind is used differently ?

1 5755

To match the two different controls which control would we use ?

2 5603

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Un-Answered Questions

What happens when the parent process of a child process exits before the child ?


What is pragmatics natural language processing terminology?


How do struts work?


We can define our own exchange rate types and use them instead of the defaulted types, ‘m’, ‘b’ and ‘g’. How can we overwrite default types in sd?


dear friends, i have seen flow as the selection critriea in presure guage (bourdon tube) and i would like to know what is the relation between flow and performance of pressure guage other parameters i found in the data sheet are pressure max. 1ksc temperature max. - 50 deg c line size - 80NB operating range - 1ksc pr. guage range - 0-2 ksc thank u,


What is foreach loop in c#?


What do you mean by hashtable c#?


Explain what does the term "green architecture" mean? : .NET Architecture


How can you add cells, rows or columns in excel?


What is iot thingworx?


What skills do you need to be an administrator?


What configuration changes are required to use Tiles in Struts?


What are the advantages/disadvantages of using #define?


What is range and xrange in python?


Are hash tables ordered?