In a Webi Report, Once u r entering a month name,it
displays the that month details and after and before month
details.How it is
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Answer / gowthami
DB table:
Month Cost
Feb 10
Mar 20
Apr 30
May 40
Consider you have month object and create a two objects at universe level month-1 and month+1
At report level
Query 1
Result objects: Month and cost Filter: Month prompt (Apr)
Month Cost
Apr 30
Query 2:
Result Obj: month+1 and cost filter Month =(select from another query)Month<from query1>
Month Cost
may 40
Query 2:
Result Obj: Month-1 and cost filter Month =(select from another query)Month<from query1>
Month Cost
Mar 20
When it is coming as output in a report
Output at the report: (use union in between the queries)
Month Cost
Mar 20
Apr 30
May 40
Hope this helps.. Try this and let me know. Currently I don’t ve BO axis (universe and webi). But we tried this logic in my last proj
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